Clear out the clutter and a free psychic reading giveaway!

September 08, 2014 3 min read

We are so excited that Licia Morelli is our guest blogger this week. Licia offers jaw-droppingly accurate insight into your present, past and future. Giving guidance so you can live your life in the most passionate, effective, productive, satisfying way. Where the woo woo comes true woo.(


Hey there! My name is Licia Morelli and I’m an internationally known clairvoyant psychic, writer, coach and media personality. LooHoo has been so gracious to ask that I guest post and and I’m so excited to be here!

Now you might be thinking - what in the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks does a psychic have to do with laundry?

Well I can tell you - energetically and psychically speaking - our household and organization within it has everything to do with the ability to balance energetically and move forward fearlessly in our lives.
Closet clutter? Energy stuck.
Dishes piled up in the sink? Mojo waning.
Laundry baskets to the ceiling? Inspiration lacking.

Our home environments are one of the easiest ways to show us when our energy and inspiration are on the down and out.

That being said, Martha Stewart, if you’re reading this - lady you know how to balance!

I digress.

The best way to boost your energy is to take inventory around your house and notice where areas may be neglected. For instance I know if my desk has piles of papers, bills, and books all over it that I’m avoiding projects that need finishing (usually accounting and bill pay!)

On the flip side -  if my desk is organized and free of clutter - likely I’ve been super productive.

So for today’s post I’m going to give you 5 ways to right your energy and your environment - sure fire ways to get you back in balance and back on track.

  1. Set up a daily de-clutter. Each day take 10 minutes to pick a spot in the home (or car!) to focus on de-cluttering. While de-cluttering ask yourself “keep or toss”? This will help you get rid of any unwanted piles and will move the energy in the space to flow more easily.
  2. Sage or burn a candle. Once the areas are de-cluttered take a few moments to walk around with some sage. Sage is an energy and environmental cleanser. When saging vibrations are raised and the energy gets moving!

Sage can be easily purchased at any natural food stores.

  1. Clean out closets. Take some time before Fall really rolls in to go through your closets and get rid of any old items that you haven’t worn in a year. Cleaning out closets not only gives you a handle on what you have and what you need to replace but it also creates new space within the closet itself.

When we create new space anywhere in our lives - physical or mental - it allows for new ideas to come in and new opportunity to find us. It gives us the space to create and move freely.

  1. Meditate. Take a few moments each day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. As thoughts arise simply label them as “thinking” and let them go. This will help balance energy and help in creating some daily time for yourself. In taking time to do this more balance will come in and organization will follow.

Balance your brain - balance your world.

  1. Fix broken items. Have a hinge that’s loose? Tighten it - that hinge could be also unhinging your energy! When there are items (no matter how small) around the house that need attending to try to fix them as soon as possible.

When things are broken it adds into our energetic stress. It’s a huge relief when something “we’ve learned to live with” becomes functional again. Like magic, a sense of ease will follow any repair.

So there you have it!

5 Ways to recalibrate your energy and get organized.

I would love to hear from you - where in your home do you notice a direct correlation between clutter and chaos and your energy being off balance?

Truly - I’d love to know!

Bonus: In honor of this guest post I’m giving away a FREE psychic reading ($225 value)!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

34 Responses

Nicole Carter Weasley
Nicole Carter Weasley

October 01, 2014

My desk is utter most clutter! I try to clean it and then stuff just finds it way back there! Grr………


September 15, 2014

I notice a clear link between clutter and how I feel in really any part of my home, particularly the kitchen, my home office, the bedroom. Those three will throw me for a loop in no time if there’s clutter.


September 15, 2014

I love it! Just cleaned out the house, now I’m going to go get some sage!

a marie
a marie

September 14, 2014

This makes so much sense— I always feel less anxious after I’ve cleared out clutter from my home. Even if I have vacuumed, dusted etc. I still feel better when the clutter in particular is out of sight and sorted elsewhere.


September 14, 2014

I always sleep better when the clutter around and under my bed is removed. Things pile up on nightstands and under the bed (books, oils, dust bunnies, missing socks). I keep a donate box handy in the hall and the sage close by in the washroom. Sweet dreams follow!

Amanda Alvarado
Amanda Alvarado

September 12, 2014

I would have to say our kitchen table and bar area. They are where we throw everything (instead of sorting through it then and there!). I’m going to have to work on this!

Elizabeth Simmons
Elizabeth Simmons

September 12, 2014

So very meant to be, I picked up sage in my Farmshare this week and was wondering what would be the best way to use it. Now I’m excited to clear away negative energy.

Laverne Pelletier
Laverne Pelletier

September 12, 2014

Great ideas
I needed a jump start to get things organized. I am starting today!!


September 12, 2014

Messy bedroom = messy brain.

Shelley H
Shelley H

September 12, 2014

My’s like a storage space for things I don’t want to deal with at the time. Out of sight and out of mind.


September 11, 2014

The dinning room table is our catch-all. It’s terrible! We eat our meals around the mess and it’s just constant noise at the back of my mind.


September 11, 2014

My husband’s closet is an area of real stress and strain for me. When trying to hang up his freshly laundered clothes, it’s a real struggle attempting to return items to this jam-packed space. I’ve asked him to weed out some things but he has a hard time letting things go, for a variety of reasons. And of course, I don’t feel I can decide for him what to keep or toss. This area in the bedroom presents a real logjam. And now as we both have various age-related aches and pains, it’s getting much harder to tackle these issues. Anyway, again, I’m going to try to weed out more things from our space and hope soon he will join me for 10 minutes a day of de-cluttering. Thanks for inspiring me to try again, Licia.


September 11, 2014

Great post, ladies! The clutter connection is clearest in my office space… I have clearly not come to a place where I know which direction I am going! I’m definitely doing the daily de-clutter and smudging!

Myra Hornberger
Myra Hornberger

September 11, 2014

De cluttering is a daily battle. I have to focus to see the small stuff that makes the biggest messes. I am trying daily to clean, fold, put away, reduce, recycle. Life is better with more space around you.

Chris Norris
Chris Norris

September 10, 2014

With a lack of closets and storage space the whole house seems like an energy drain. But where you enter the house feels worst. Just sets the tone for the entire space!

Candace P
Candace P

September 10, 2014

My biggest energy drain area in my house is the pantry. When the door is open I can see all the unorganized mess and it bothers me.

Manon Grenier
Manon Grenier

September 09, 2014

Please choose me!


September 09, 2014

This probably sounds awful, but my biggest energy drain is with picking up after my husband. It’s my biggest complaint about my marriage, and, unfortunately, doesn’t seem to be something that will change. I’m going to show him this blog and see if that helps at all. One can hope…..


September 09, 2014

Excellent ideas Licia- thank for the great reminder and bite size chuncks of ideas that seem doable. Im doing the daily de-clutter!!


September 09, 2014

Love those ideas!
Have never tried to burn sage before – will have to google how to go about it. (Yes, total newbie.) Does burning a candle do the same? I love canldes …. :-)
And totally love the daily de-clutter idea. I tried to do it weekly. But somehow that’s just super-frustrating and I tend to push it further and further until it get’s so overwhelming that I do not wanna do it at all. :-( Will try it daily!
Thanks for those ideas!



September 09, 2014

Clutter is a HUGE problem for my husband and myself. We live in a small house and stuff just…piles up. We had a baby 3 months ago and so now have MORE stuff (and LESS time to tidy up)! It really affects my energy, stress levels and mood. We’re looking to buy a house soon, and a huge goal of mine is to keep the new house clear of clutter. Rather than wait until we get into the new house, I will start some of these ideas now. This came at a great time – thank you!


September 09, 2014

After moving myself and my family 19 times in my 42 years (6 times in a two year span, divorce is so fun isn’t it?) I have found that if I don’t use it, I donate it. If I do use it, I keep the box! So, although I may not be cluttered with stuff… I probably have a few too many boxes. Maybe now that I am settled (hopefully) I can remove those boxes and start to feel more grounded and my own psychic mojo will flo!~


September 09, 2014

I just finished the dishes and laundry before I read this so feeling pretty good! The bedroom is a little messy though…Going to have to show this one to Jeremy! He has some hinges to tighten! Thanks, Licia! And, C. Loo Hoo. Good one!


September 09, 2014

Honestly I know this is a huge problem for me. I recognize that when my home is clean and not cluttered I do feel better. Currently I am packing to move and going through things. Such a cathartic process.


September 09, 2014

Honestly I know this is a huge problem for me. I recognize that when my home is clean and not cluttered I do feel better. Currently I am packing to move and going through things. Such a cathartic process.


September 09, 2014

The “woo-woo comes true-woo” on loohoo? HA. (Props to you, Licia for your awesome tagline.) Interesting post. I have a good friend who says he can tell I’m feeling crummy if my place is a mess. I totally get the dishes/mojo thing! I wonder what filthy floors mean … Fun post!


September 09, 2014

My craft area is the worst. If It’s a mess not only do I not get any projects done, it makes it not motivating to do anything else anywhere else in the house.


September 09, 2014

Good reminder; and soooo true! (Thinking of my two overflowing baskets of laundry and my horribly cluttered desk right now…)


September 09, 2014

Ling- Your husband probably will but it’s worth it!

Liza, Thank you! I’m so excited to be here and it’s such fun to do a giveaway!

Rebecca – So glad it was a good reminder – I know I can get swept up in all the Fall activities so to take some time to get organized is always good!

Melissa – Showing condition! Divine!

Rob C
Rob C

September 09, 2014

De-cluttering the house always makes me feel more energized and calm. Thanks Licia.


September 09, 2014

This is a great giveaway! Thanks for sharing these cool ideas. Wonder if my husband would think I am crazy walking around the house with sage? lol


September 09, 2014

Perfect time to read this article. It is that time again to de-clutter. I live the feeling of openness in my space.

Thanks for the reminder.


September 09, 2014

My house is currently on the market….I am doing my best to leave it in “showing” condition on a daily basis!
So happy to see you both here :-)

Liza Walsh
Liza Walsh

September 09, 2014

Yay! Love seeing two of my favorite and most inspiring friends are joining together! Thank you for this blog, Licia. It completely inspired me to take the 10 minutes this morning before I dig in to get things clear. And I will smudge after! You both are amazing! xoxo

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