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A Year of Blessings

January 10, 2017 2 min read

A Year of Blessings

LooHoo readers recently reflected on some pretty great things they experienced in 2016.



While some took a trip of a lifetime, others bought their first home. The majority of highlights, however, centered on family. Both Laura Hathaway and Brittany Kruchan gave birth to baby No. 4. Sheryl Edwards watched her son get married. And Julie Meps says her greatest joy was “seeing my little girl so happy at school.”


Dorothea Collington says she is blessed to be alive. “So many aren't here to be thankful or to show, share and be with their loved ones,” she says.


Blessings are all around. What better reminder than sharing a few with our LooHoo family?


Gift of Children
“Greatest joy in 2016: my two boys will always be my greatest joys in life.”
—Krystal Marcoux
“The announcement that I will be a first-time grandma!”
—Donna Durie

Gift of True Love
“My husband, we grew so much closer in 2016. He's also my best friend.”
—Candace Candy Lynn
“Meeting an amazing man to share my life with about six months ago. I've waited 35 years for him.”
—Andrea Botticello

Gift of Home
“Paying off our 20-year-term mortgage on our seventh year just in time for our 10th wedding anniversary.”
—Rowena Rodriguez
“Closing on a beautiful new house and finding out we were having baby No. 4—a girl!”
—Bree Brandes-Courtney
“Buying a house four days before Christmas.”
—Liz Kather

Gift of Animals
“My greatest joy in 2016 was finding my beloved cat who went missing in the wilderness at the Oregon Vortex in Southern Oregon for 43 days. We made a five-hour drive on a bi-weekly basis to find her and on the last day we found her. To say we were and are beyond thrilled to have her back is an understatement.”
—Erika Chilton
“My beautiful, wonderful service dog.”
—Christine Holliday

Gift of School/Work
“A promotion at work.”
—Katie Krueger
“Getting into nursing school. Starting this spring.”
—Kelly Lynn
“My greatest joy has been seeing my fiancé finally graduate in nuclear engineering after working so hard through six years of college. I am so proud of him and his accomplishments. He has been so strong through everything and now he's going to find a job and he'll be set in life. I cannot wait for that milestone. Here's hoping it's in 2017!”
—Bonnie Lee


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